The Municipality officially presents the Venice Brand, designed in February, 2003 by Thibaut Mathieu under the supervision of Philippe Starck: its use is granted to third-party public and private subjects, as partners, and its proceeds are earmarked for the improvement of the quality of life of Venetian citizens, the socio-economic revivification of the city and the safeguard of the city heritage.
This is a way to “help” Venice evolve towards an innovation-oriented economic model, to make the city itself easier to live in and to offer new employment opportunities for youth.
The Brand today is protected by international registration in Italy and in 70 other countries, across all the main merchandising categories.

The mission 
Venice is the first Italian city to put together its institutional emblem and its own logo for commercial and philanthropic marketing purposes.

its purpose is two-fold:
- to create a coordinated and consistent image of the city in the global market
- to generate new resources for an economic development that is complementary to tourism.


The "Venice Brand" project plans to grant to third parties the use of the brand for marketing activities and to supply products and services or organize events.
The field of application of the brand extends to any type of goods or services, provided that they are in line with the distinctive signs of the project and based on a proven ethical and qualitative standard of partner companies, which show the whole world their contribution to the improvement of the city and the life quality of its population.
The products and projects featuring the winged-lion brand are usually accompanied by communication tools which illustrate its philosophy and related purposes.

The international 
The development context of the Venice Brand is intentionally different from the one of international city brands, because
- most of them are used for general tourist promotion purposes, while the city of Venice wishes to reduce an indiscriminate promotional activity, in favour of a qualification of the tourist flow;
- they are only recognisable at a local level, while the Venice Brand aims at a planetary success;
- they do not develop a real licensing plan with private companies.

Venice and its brand have a brand-new approach, not even comparable to the most popular world city brand, it is a historical benchmark for all other brands.



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